WEEK SIX: The US Election - The Key Issues

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A number of key issues divided the candidates and the American population during the election.


Task: Choose one or more of these videos outlining the key issues. You may want to also research the candidate's positions on these, and how people responded to their ideas.

Below, comment with 5 interesting things you found out from your research.


  1. 1. 76% of Democrats agree that gun control laws should be tightened, 23% of Republicans agree.
    2. 37% of Republicans believe that undocumented immigrants should be deported, 12% of Democrats believe this.
    3. 74% of Democrats support action on climate change, 60% of Republicans doubt man-made climate change.
    4. 63% of Democrats allow Syrian refugees, 27% of Republicans do.
    5. 60% of Republicans believe in getting rid of the Affordable (health) Care Act, 11% of Democrats believe this.


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